Why Street Furniture Became Popular

Submitted by: John Schofield

Have you seen those bollards or road signs? You might not give them enough attention but these are the pieces of street furniture that can actually improve the way the urban setting looks. They have become more popular now due to the increased efforts of cities to help maximise their outside spaces. This outdoor improvement is for the benefit of the residents and the tourists in the place. Street furniture can bring out the best look in a place. They are used to help impress the people and make them feel more comfortable in the town or city. They have many other benefits.


While people are milling out and about, they can easily flop down on park benches while taking in the entire scene. This is how street furniture can offer convenience to residents and tourists alike. The public area can be a good place for the people to rest in. People will be more encouraged to use the public area and the street furniture.

For instance, parks have a lot of street furniture because they are places where people can relax and stay with the people that they love. Park benches are good alternatives to sitting right on the grass. There are also picnic tables where people can spend time socialising. Parks would have been less appealing to visit without all these features of convenience. This is why parks are among the most crowded places in a town or city. Families and friends gather here to relax and have fun while using street furniture. Big groups which cannot be accommodated at home can have their time in the park together. This is one of the biggest benefits of park furniture.

Attractive Appeal


A city that has nothing much to be proud of would be something that everyone would love to leave. Those broken down benches, graffiti, vandalism, bad city lights and the like are not exactly urban features that anyone would be proud of. In fact, these things can even present the city in a bad light, especially to the eyes of the tourists.

However, the city s appeal can be restored with the use of aesthetically appealing street furniture. Every nook and corner that is still within public space spells the city s character. But if you install more attractive furniture in the parks and streets with their unique designs, everyone would love to be identified with the city. If they begin to take pride in it, the people would be more involved in beautifying the community. This kind of pleasant atmosphere will likely have a lasting and strong positive impression on the tourists.


Street furniture also has functions aside from offering convenience and appeal. Bus shelters, bollards, park benches, mailboxes, telephone booths, and the like are installed primarily because of their usefulness to the public.

Construction Material

Now, street furniture pieces are made out of recycled materials. This is how the town or city can contribute to green living. Even if the materials are recycled, they are still ensured to be durable. In fact, recycled plastic have plenty of benefits, such as:

Low maintenance

More durable than wood


Vandal resistant

Cost effective

No cracks, rots or splinters

Not toxic

Weather proof

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bollardsautomatic bollardsremovable bollardsretractable bollards



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