Terminali Arjuna Wonder Herb For Cardiovascular Diseases

Terminali arjuna- wonder herb for cardiovascular diseases


Dr. Vikram Chauhan- MD (Ayurveda)



Botanical name: Terminalia Arjuna Family: Combretaceae Vernacular names: English Name- White Marudah, Arjun tree Common (Indian) Names Hindi: Arjun, Arjuna, Koha, Kahu, Arjan Gujrati: Arjun – Sadada, Sadado Marathi: Arjuna, Arjun Sadada, Sadaru Tamil: Vellamatta Telugu: Tella maddi Kannada: Maddi Bengali: Arjhan Punjabi: Arjuna Synonyms: Dhanvi, Indradruma, Kkubha, Karvirak, Dhavala, Nadisarja. Classical Categorization: Caraka: Kashayaskandha, Udardprashamana Susruta: Salasaradi, Nyaghrodhadi Vagbhata: Nyaghrodhadi gana, Viratarvadi, Asanadi gana. General Description: Arjuna is credited with several therapeutic properties, both in Ayurvedic and Unani Systems. It is considered to be tonic, astringent, cooling and is used in heart diseases, contusions, fractures, ulcers. It is also credited with styptic, febrifugal and antidysenteric peoperties. It has been considered by the Ayurvedic physicians as well as by the modern practitioners as a cardiac tonic. Vagbhata was the first to prescribe the bark of Arjuna in heart diseases. Later Chakradatta described it as a tonic in heart disease. Bhava Mishra, a Nighantukara recognised that its bark possesses some cooling, cardiotonic, wound healing and intoxicating effects. The bark and preparations made from it are reputed to have a marked stimulant action on the heart even today. Sacred Value: According to a folk tale, this tree is said to have been born of the two sons of Kubair after saint Narada cursed them. The leaves or flowers are offered to Lord Ganapati on Siddhi Vinayaka Vrata, Sankastha Chaturthi Vrata and to Lord Vishnu on Shree Anantapadmanabha Vrata. According to astrologers, the plant is associated with constellation Swati whose presiding deity is Vayu. Botanical Description: A large tree up to 25 meter hight, smooth grey coloured bark. Leaves- are sub-opposite, oblong or elliptic oblong, glabrous, often inequilateral, margin often crenulate, apex is obtuse or sub-acute, base is rounded or sometimes cordate, petioles 0.51.2cm, usually two glands are present. Flowers- are small, yellowish white in colour. Fruits- are generally 2.33.5 cm long, fibrous woody, glabrous with 5-7 equal, hard, thick narrow wings, striated with numerous curved veins. Flowering : The panicled spikes of white flowers appear during AprilJuly Fruiting: Fruits ripen from follwing February to May, in Indian conditions. Morphology of the Fruit/ Seed : Fruit is drupe, 2.5 cms long, ovate, thick with 5-7 equal, rigid, longitudinal wing, 0.5 cm broad. The fruit is often notched near the top, marked with oblique upward curving striations. Seeds germination takes place in 5076 days. Distribution Terminalia arjuna is a deciduous tree found throughout India, the bark of which has been used in traditional Ayurvedic medicine to support cardiovascular health for over three centuries. Arjuna tree is common in almost every part of India. It grows well along the bank of streams, rivers, dry water courses, reaching very large sizes on fertile alluvial loam. It is very commonly found along the banks of rivers, streams and dry water courses in sub-Himalayan tract, Central and South India and West Bengal. It is also planted for shade or as a ornamental plant in avenues and parks. History Ayurvedic physicians in ancient India had the impression that the bark of this tree had some special virtue in promoting the union of fractures and the dispersion of ecchymosis when given internally. Related Species The genus Terminalia consist large hard wooded trees. Over 100 species are widely distributed in the tropics (Terminalia originated from Latin ward Terminus, alluding to the leaves being borne on the tips of the shoots). In India, Terminalia chebula, T. bellrica and T. ciliata are the major related species. Major Constituents: Arjunolic acid, Arjunin, Terminic acid, glycosides such Arjunoside I to IV, arachidic stearate, arjunic acid, arjunetin, tannins etc. Principal Constituents are -sitosterol, ellagic acid, and arjunic acid. Constitution: The exact constitution of the bark is under dispute. It is possible that the different results reported by different investigators is because of the differences in the varieties of Arjuna. One investigator reported that the bark contained tannin including glucotannic acid 15%, a coloring matter, a glucosidal body and ash 34% containing sodium, pure calcium carbonates and traces of alkaline chlorides and traces of alkaline chlorides. Other researchers reported that they could not find any alkaloid or glucoside in the bark. There was no substance of the nature of an essential oil. It contained unusually, large quantities of calcium salts with small amounts of aluminum and magnesium salts; about 12% of tannins, consisting mainly pyrocatechol tanning; an organic acid with a high melting point and a phytosterol; an organic ester easily-hydrolyzed by mineral acids; some–coloring matters, and sugars, etc. The root contains sugar, tannin, coloring matter , a nature of a glucoside and carbonates of calcium and sodium and traces of chlorides of alkali metals. The total tannin content amounted to 12% and the content of ash to 30% Its bark have found to be rich in high amounts of Co-enzymes which can prevent heart problems. Properties: Rasa Kashaya Guna Laghu, Ruksha Veerya Shita Vipaka Katu Prabhava/Karma- Udardprashamana, Kapha-pittahara, Hrdya (keeps heart healthy), Parts Used: Bark Actions: It is used as a Alterative, astringent, cardiac stimulant, haemostatic, lithotriptic and Rejuvenative tonic. Indications: Bhagna (Fractures) Shonit Sthapan (coagulates blood) Jwarhar (anti-pyretic) Prameha (urinary disorders) Sadya Vrana (haemostatic) Medoroga Hrdroga Ksaya Therapeutical Uses Healing power and curative properties: To reduce the workload on the heart, lower blood pressure and improve Cholesterol profile. Ayurvedic practitioners consider Arjuna to be a cardio protective. The bark of Arjuna is used in certain herbal combinations as a powerful, soothing tonic for the heart. The alkaloids present in Arjuna have been detected to exert antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and lipid lowering effects while glycosides are cardiotonic, thus making Terminalia arjuna unique amongst currently used medicinal plants. Regular use of Arjuna is helpful in preventing angina and myocardial infarction. It makes blood less absorbant to cholesterol, thus making it the best drug for cholesterol patients by acting as a lipid-controlling agent. Arjunas unique ability to strengthen the mental health makes it a wonder herb to decrease excessive response to stress and trauma. It helps strengthening the body’s natural rejuvenative processes, hastening the replacement of dead or weak cells with fresh, vital ones. In proper combinations, Arjuna helps stabilize an erratic heart beat. It induces a drug-dependent decrease in blood pressure and heart rate, thus promoting effective cardiac functioning. It has diuretic properties and acts as a health tonic in cases of liver cirrhosis. It acts as an Astringent by providing cool and soothing effect. Arjuna has anti-oxidant properties which helps in fighting against the free radicals effect on the body, thus being useful in skin diseases. The bark of Arjuna provides immunity to the body against infectious diseases and poisons. Medicinal Applications The bark is used to heal wounds. It is also used in contusions, broken bones and fractures. Best herb for heart disease (prevents and helps in the recovery of) angina and heals heart tissue scars after surgery Decoction of its bark with milk and jaggery, if taken empty stomach, every morning, is helpful in heart disorders. Juice of its leaves is used in ear-aches. It is also useful for oedema, diarrhoea, dysentery, sprue, malabsorption, and venereal disease. Arjuna is used as an external treatment for ulcers, acne, skin disorders etc. Arjuna bark is used in the form of decoction in hemorrhages and other fluxes. It is also useful in bilious affections and as an antidote to poisons. It is used as a remedy for scorpion-sting. Heart diseases can manifest in any form of the three doshas (Vata, Pitta and Kapha). Vata types of heart disease manifest more in old age where there is drying out of the tissue and hardening of the arteries. Pitta types of heart disease manifest with anger, irritability, excess ambition. Kapha types of heart disease manifest with accumulation of mucous, fat and cholesterol which obstructs the heart function. The bark of Arjuna is useful as an anti-ischaemic and cardioprotective agent in hypertension and in ischemic heart diseases, especially in disturbed cardiac rhythm, angina or myocardial infarction. The bark powder possesses prostaglandin enhancing and coronary risk factor modulating properties. Arjuna holds a reputed position in both Ayurvedic and Yunani Systems of medicine. According to Ayurveda it is alexiteric, styptic, general health tonic, anthelmintic, and useful in fractures, uclers, heart diseases, biliousness, urinary discharges, asthma, tumours, leucoderma, anaemia, excessive prespiration etc. According to Yunani system of medicine, it is used both externally and internally in gleet and urinary discharges. It is used as expectorant, aphrodisiac, health tonic and as a diuretic. Important Formulations: Arujanarishta, Arjunghrita, Arjunakhsirpak, Arvindasava, Devadarvy – arishta etc. Dosage: Powder: 3-6 g b.d. Decoction: 50-100 ml b.d. Arjun ghrita: 2-24 ml b.d. Arjun Siddha Dughdha: 30-100 ml b.d. Bark powder: 1-3 g b.d. Bark paste: Tropical use Leaves: Tropical use, A decoction of the bark: Tropical use. Efficacy of Terminalia arjuna in chronic stable angina: a double-blind, placebo-controlled, crossover study comparing Terminalia arjuna with isosorbide mononitrate Abstract: Terminalia arjuna, an Indian medicinal plant, has been reported to have beneficial effects in patients with ischemic heart disease in a number of studies. The bark extract contains acids (arjunic acid, terminic acid), glycosides (arjunetin arjunosides I-IV), strong antioxidants (flavones, tannins, oligomeric proanthocyanidins), minerals, etc. and exhibits antifailure and anti-ischemic properties. Conclusion: Terminalia arjuna bark extract, 500 mg 8 hourly, when given to patients with stable angina with provocable ischemia on treadmill exercise, led to improvement in clinical and treadmill exercise parameters as compared to placebo therapy. These benefits were similar to those observed with isosorbide mononitrate (40 mg/day) therapy and the extract was well tolerated. Terminalia arjuna may help maintain healthy phospholipid and triglyceride levels, and has demonstrated antioxidant activities comparable to vitamin E. Induction of cell cycle arrest and apoptosis in human non-small cell lung cancer cells by casuarinin from the bark of Terminalia arjuna- Abstract: Casuarinin, a hydrolyzable tannin isolated from the bark of Terminalia arjuna, inhibits human non-small cell lung cancer cells by blocking cell cycle progression and inducing apoptosis. Indian Herb for Chronic Congestive Heart Failure Arjuna is ‘Hrdya’ i.e. heart tonic. Regular use of Arjuna, may be related to the cardio-tonic properties of the plant’s glycoside content or to the free-radical, strengthens the heart. It improves the nourishment of heart. It strengthens the muscles of heart and therefore reduces palpitation. The Kashaya rasa and calcium content of Arjuna reduces the oedema or inflammation. Therefore, Arjun tvak (bark) is used as a haemostatic agent. The transport of Kleda through capillaries is restricted, thereby heart disorders, blood disorders, Raktapitta and inflammation of heart can be cured by the use of this drug. Terminalia arjuna reverses impaired endothelial function in chronic smokers. Prolonged Smoking, causes endothelial dysfunction which is an early key event in atherosclerosis. Smoking cessation and antioxidant vitamin therapy are shown to have beneficial role by restoring altered endothelial physiology. The present study was aimed to determine whether Terminalia arjuna, with potent antioxidant constituents, would improve endothelial dysfunction in smokers. Conclusion: Terrminalia arjuna therapy for two weeks leads to significant regression of this endothelial abnormality amongst smokers. Antioxidant and hypocholesterolaemic effects of Terminalia arjuna tree-bark powder: Terminalia arjuna tree bark powder has significant antioxidant action that is comparable to vitamin E. In addition, it also has a significant hypocholesterolaemic effect.

This article is submitted by Dr. Vikram Chauhan – MD -Ayurveda, Consultant Ayurveda Physician for http://www.planetayurveda.com Dr. Chauhan provides free online consultations to his patients worldwide !

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Terminali arjuna- wonder herb for cardiovascular diseases