Natural Diet &Amp; Herbs For Hemorrhoid Relief Cure Naturally}

Submitted by: Vikram Chauhan

The people who suffers from piles or hemorrhoid feels so embarrassed due to this this condition. This is both painful and embarrassing condition. If people have piles they would not interested to discuss about piles. In fact lot of people would tolerate the pain because they are too embarrassed to talk about it. It is important for people who suffers from piles to make sure about treatment before condition get worst. Here we will discuss about the natural way to treat with the help of diet and herbs to get relief from hemorrhoids (piles).

Do you know what piles are?

Also known as hemorrhoids, is a condition in which veins of the anus and rectum get inflamed and enlarged. Due to increase in pressure on rectum and anus it causes more pressure on veins. When these veins become too inflamed or sensitive they may cause rectal bleeding. This is very painful condition. It is equally found in men and women. There are various causes of piles and constipation is the one of the main reason and other reasons may include constantly sitting for a long time on the hard surface, lack of exercise and unhealthy food habits like food without fiber. Piles are of two types- bleeding and dry piles. Most common symptoms associated with piles are Wind formation in the stomach, loss of appetite, itching in the anus region.

Ayurvedic outlook of piles:?

Arsh or Arsha is the name of piles in Ayurveda. The meaning of Arsh is enemy and piles is really enemy of humans. Due to faulty diet and lifestyle, results in impairment (vitiation) of all three doshs (vata, pita and kapha) and predominately vata dosha. Vitiation of vata dosha causes low digestive fire, persistent constipation and accumulation of waste product starts in body, rectum veins also contribute to development of hemorrhoids or piles. As per Ayurveda the major veins around the anal canal are samvarni, visarajni and pravahani.

Natural Diet And Herbs For Hemorrhoid

There are various herbs used in the treatment of hemorrhoids which are effective for piles. Diet also plays an important role in the management of piles. With the help of diet and these herbs one can gets relief from hemorrhoids.

Herbs used for piles:

Haritaki(Terminalia chebula)

Due to its great medicinal properties it is used in Ayurveda form long time for the treatment of various disease like piles. It has property to maintain all three doshas in body. Haritaki helps to ease bowel movement and helps to get relief from constipation which is one of the main cause of hemorrhoids. It helps in reducing the pile mass and reduces the bleeding. It is also used in the form of home remedies like – A sitz bath with Haritaki or Triphala powder, before bath, is useful in reducing the swelling and promotes healing. It is used in the preparation of triphala churna


Bhibhitaki (Terminalia bellerica)

Bhibhitaki is also known as Bahera. It is one of the important herb used in the formulation of Triphala. It has numerous health benefits on the human body. It has cleansing action. It act as tonic for digestive system. It helps to clean the digestive system and helps to treat the problems like piles. It has property to reduce cyst and swelling. It helps in purifying blood, thinning of blood, and removing toxins. It also pacifying the pitta and kapha doshas. It is used in the preparation of vara churna and triphala.

Amalaki (Emblica officinalis)

It has rejuvenating properties. It is also known as Rasayan that enhance and restore the energy. It has natural anti-oxidant properties that help to remove free radicals from body. It is also anti-bacterial and immune modulator. It has cooling property and helps to balance the pitta and vata doshas. Commonly it is used in the preparation of many Ayurvedic preparations. It relieves inflammation of the colon and stomach. Amla is used to preparation of Vara churna.

Guggul (Commiphora mukul)

It is highly potent rejuvenating herb that revitalizes cells. Due to its purifying properties, it is useful in many health conditions as it has proved its versatility in several conditions. This herb also has antioxidant properties and it helps to remove toxins form body. This herb promotes the metabolism. It is also beneficial for conditions like piles, pre-menstrual syndrome, bloating and many more. It is used in the preparation of Triphala guggul.

Turmeric (Curcuma longa)

It is one of the richest source of natural antioxidant that helps to remove free radicals from body. It helps to enhance the immunity and improves the health. It is rich in antibiotic properties that gives power to body to fight against various infections and toxins. It is useful in the preparation of curcumin capsule

Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera)

Dueto its various health benefits it is used in Ayurveda form longer time. It help to reduce the stress, fatigue and enhance the stamina. It is used in many chronic disorders; like piles, neurological disorders, stress induced disorders. It has great antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. It helps to promote overall well-being of the body. It nourishes the body and brain. It is used in various herbal formulations like kanchnaar guggul.

Zinger (Gingiber officinale)

It can naturally heal your body of its many illness. This herb serves couple of functions of body system. It is use in the treatment of piles or hemorrhoids it increases the blood circulation in body and helps to cleanse the body and remove waste products. It has both anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. It also improve the digestion.

Aloe Vera (Aloe Barbadensis)

Aloe vera has various medicinal properties like emollient, demulcent and anti-inflammatory properties. It helps to soothe the inflamed veins while reducing their sizes. As a natural astringent, shrinks hemorrhoids and speeds up its healing. It contains biochemical compound Anthraquinone that tightens the walls of the digestive tract and encourages the softening of the contents of the intestines that helps to move feces easily thus reducing the strain on hemorrhoids. It improves the pain, bleeding and burning sensation which are associated with piles.

Diet plan for hemorrhoids

Diet plays an important and effective role to treat the disorder. Person who suffers from piles have to take balanced diet that helps in the condition. The best diet for the patients of piles that is high in fibers. Fiber intake can be increased with the help of following food:

Foods to eat:

Increase intake of fiber rich diet like vegetables, fruits, kiwis, bananas.

Increase intake of fluid in the form of water, soup, juice, milk, buttermilk.

Nuts, seeds, and hummus are also rich in fiber.

Foods to be avoid: Some foods that encourage the development of piles which should eliminate or reduced in the diet. These include

Heavy, dry, spicy, cool foods.

Processed food like jams, pastries, packaged and canned food.

Tea, coffee, alcoholic beverages.

Fatty food

Avoid excessive fasting, overeating, and eating incompatible food.

About the Author: DR. Vikram Chauhan, MD – AYURVEDA is an expert Ayurvedic practitioner based in Chandigarh, India and doing his practice in Mohali, India. He is spreading the knowledge of Ayurveda Ancient healing treatment, not only in India but also abroad. He is the CEO and Founder of Planet Ayurveda Products, Planet Ayurveda Clinic and Krishna Herbal Company. For more info visit our webiste:

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