Simple Gardening Tips For Beginners

Submitted by: Carole Johnson

Gardening requires a significant amount of knowledge. Sometimes, luck may also be necessary. But a more surefire way to make your plants and garden look more inviting is by implementing the right gardening principles.

First of all, you have to be aware that there are different types of soil. Your soil might be good for your plants to grow in. Sometimes, it does not promote the healthy growth of any form of flora. If you know that the soil that you currently have will not help your plants to grow, you might need to add a new layer. Being aware also help in your decision on whether or not you need to use fertilizers.

What you need to know about the soil is its consistency. Some can be too sticky that it stores too much water. You may also have soil that is too sandy. This one will not be able to retain significant amount of water. Loam or soil that is not too sticky or too sandy is what you need in order to support the growth of your plants. Your fertilizers can be used to further nourish your plants when you know that the soil will not be able to provide enough nourishment.


Knowing how much water your plants need is also important. You have to consider the type of soil and the type of plant that you have. Soil that is too sandy needs to be watered frequently. Sticky soil can be left without the need for water even after an extended period of time. Also, realize that there are plants that can retain water in their parts. This means that you don t need to water them frequently. It is even advised that you avoid watering these plants as it might do more harm than good.

Keeping weeds away from your garden can be a challenging task. Removing these pesky weeds can test your patience. You have to allot time in order to regularly remove them. Your plants should get all the possible nourishment that they can get. Weeds will only take essential nutrients away from the plants that you are taking care of.

Grow your garden by planting new plants and flowers. You may start by planting seeds or you may use grafting to replant certain parts of the plant. Branches which you have trimmed from the mother plant may be replanted and grown into new plants.

In order to have a garden that is pleasing to look at, incorporate greens as well as other colors. Aside from just placing a lot of foliage, you also have to plant flowers that are of different colors. Position them in strategic places.

Install the right type of furniture in your garden. Make use of comfortable seats. Fountains and lighting fixtures will also make your garden a more exciting place to be in. Change the general look of your garden from time to time. This will ensure that you get to look at a refreshing view when you look out of your home s windows.

About the Author: Carole Johnson has been in the home design business for more than 30 years. She has assisted homeowners with their furniture needs, specifically with

modern dining sets


modern glass coffee table

amongst others.


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