Emails From An Asshole By John Lindsay

Emails from an Asshole by John Lindsay


Prasoon Kumar

This is the book version of the site launched by John Lindsay, called DontEvenReply dot com. This is a hugely funny website where morons posting their ads on websites get some silly but funny (What s the difference? This may start another book) replies. Several types of ads have been chosen, and these include people looking for rides, items for sale, employment, car sales and more. The story that takes the cake is the one where John Lindsay offers to adopt six kittens so that he may feed them to a tiger. Anybody who came to know of the site even once must have felt to urge to go back to it time and again.

Loved the Site, Love the Book

Most of the stories covered in the book are the same ones that appeared on the website, but almost one third of all the stories in the book are the one which are not available elsewhere. If you love the site, you ll love the book, as simple as that. The price is only $10, one cannot help but recommend the book.


Spin a Yarn and Extend the Fun

Some of the classified ads (chosen by John Lindsay) were actually crying to be taken for a ride, which he did admirably. At other times, the ads appear very simple and innocent and he still emails them (he wants to prove the emails are from an asshole). The replies are crafted by spinning a yarn around them (the ads), and then the replies are extended for as long as possible. The emails collected by John Lindsay are the best possible, along with some new ones, so the suspense remains there. You can also do the smart thing by going to his website and reading a few samples.

Funny, Immature and Silly

The replies crafted by the author John Lindsay are very funny, immature (deliberate) and silly (deliberate again). In one classified, a woman looking for a microwave makes it clear she wants white only. John Lindsay on the other hand, infers (mischievously) she will buy from white people only and the end result is extremely funny indeed. All the people who got his emails fell for his tricks and John Lindsay got the desired reaction from them.

You ll Need to Be Childish

It s understandable if you just wanted to go to the website and read it all, but then you ll miss the other one third. Also, it is an extremely good gift if you don t know what to gift to a man between the age of 20 or 30. While reading, you will never get the feeling it s a rehashed product, rather it feels like a complete book in its own right. Remember one thing, though, you ll need to be childish while reading it.

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